Multiply your ministry impact by empowering volunteers


Get Access to the Entire Event On-Demand

Every session was recorded and is available for you to watch with the All-Access Pass for just $97.

Get the All-Acces Pass

Get instant access to the entire Multiply Ministry Conference with every main session and every breakout. 

Over 40 speakers talking about how you can empower volunteers to multiply your ministry impact.



Plus 4 Bonuses

Get 4 Bonuses along with access to the entire conference - 3 Ministry Boost Courses and the Volunteer Bundle. 

Main Sessions

The main session speakers will help you empower volunteers regardless of what ministry you lead, your church context, or the biggest barrier you're currently facing.

Josh Griffin


Doug Fields


Esther Moreno


Jim Wideman


Brittany Nelson


Tom Shefchunas


Crystal Chiang


Robert Purvey


Steve John


Lauren Jackson


Shane Sanchez


Hosted by

Kenny Conley


Amy Fenton


Nick Blevins


Kevin Monahan


Breakout Speakers

Get the All-Access Pass for the Multiply Ministry Conference to hear from these amazing breakout speakers.

Justin Edge

Onboarding Leaders to Help Them Last

Heather Eichler

5 Essentials for a Healthy Volunteer Team

Andrae Jones

Leading Volunteers Inside And Outside The Church

Josh Denhart

Rethinking Your Volunteer Retention

Brandon Hair

Building Bridges in NextGen Ministries

Crystal Mazzuca

Cultivating Relational Volunteer Ministry

Allegra Collins

Creating a Successful Volunteer Team

Anne Marie Gosnell

Important Stages of Faith Development

Lena Wooten

Empowering Hearts & Hands - Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers

Josh Wooten

Empowering Hearts & Hands - Recruiting and Retaining Volunteers

Kim Botto

Creating Safe, Fun and Welcoming Environments for All Kids

Lauren Jackson

Train Your Volunteers To Teach a Engaging and Impactful Large Group


YOU Are a Worship Leader

Corinne Noble

Recruit, Retain, Reproduce

Bill Hegedus

E3 Volunteers

Vance Martin

Lies Leaders Believe

Ron Brooks

Leading with Heart and Strategy

Jarrod Harris

You Think You Know - Caring for Teams

Dave Walters

Four Keys to a Healthy Volunteer Culture

Tom Bump

Healthy Leaders, Healthy Teams

Lisa Molite

Kidmin Large Group

Ryan Arnold

Empowering Student Ministry Volunteers

Dan Pollak

Ministry Reimagined:
Your First 90 Days

Melissa Carpenter

A Well Structured Preschool Team

Jen Edwards



Micheal Byrd

Recruit and retain volunteers

Janine McNally

Understanding Generation Alpha - Digital, Visual and Lonely


Get the All-Acces Pass

Get instant access to the entire Multiply Ministry Conference with every main session and every breakout. 

Over 40 speakers talking about how you can empower volunteers to multiply your ministry impact.



Plus 4 Bonuses

Get 4 Bonuses along with access to the entire conference - 3 Ministry Boost Courses and the Volunteer Bundle.